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trump, syria
City Life

OPINION: Trump’s First 100 Days Weren’t a Damn Comedy

This Saturday, Donald Trump will be celebrating his 100th day as the 45th president of the United States. So far, there’s been no action on […]

City Life

The Electric-Car Parking Debate Is About Power — but Not the Kind You Think

Let me start this column on City Council’s decision to issue a moratorium on electric car charging station parking permits with a number: $40,000. That […]

City Life

What the Museum of the American Revolution Gets Wrong — and Right

Some of the criticisms leveled at the city’s new Museum of the American Revolution have been architectural. The red-brick Georgian building at 3rd and Chestnut […]

City Life

Excited About Tax Reform? Don’t Be.

It’s tax deadline time, and regardless of whether we’re receiving a refund or we owe money, most of us usually take a moment to look […]

City Life

What I’ve Learned From Philly’s Homeless

When I tell people that I’m working on a book about the homeless, most are curious to know what I’ve discovered while tracking five homeless […]

City Life

This Organization Is Implanting Chips in Its Employees … and They Love It!

Imagine if your employer wanted to implant you with a microchip. What would you say? According to a CNBC report, workers at Epicenter, a Swedish […]

City Life

OPINION: Black Lives Matter’s “Black Only” Meetings Aren’t Racist

I consider myself an intersectional feminist. Despite being a man, I personally stand as a proud ally for women’s rights and support their equal upward […]

City Life

What’s Behind the DOJ’s Abdication on Checking Police Abuse

On Wednesday, a judge in Baltimore denied a Department of Justice request to delay a public hearing designed to let city residents share their views […]

City Life

OPINION: That Time a Straight White Woman Wrote About Woody’s …

The Philadelphia Inquirer just played itself, and it has no one else to blame. On Wednesday, our “paper of record” published a piece headlined “Bar […]

City Life

Why Trump’s Attack on Sanctuary Cities Is a Good Thing

Mrs. Hernandez: “I saw that man steal a loaf of bread from the store and run down the street, and I can identify him in […]

City Life

OPINION: The Painfully Obvious Lesson of the Latest London Terror Attack

Last week’s deadly attack in London by Islamic radical Khalid Masood — in which he drove into crowds of pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and then […]

City Life

OPINION: Philly’s Tolerance for Corruption Is Why Seth Williams Hasn’t Resigned

The Philly reaction to political scandals usually rolls out like this: 1) Word of an investigation sparks chatter. Nobody really cares. 2) An indictment sparks […]

City Life

Jim Kenney Owes Seth Williams an Apology

Back in 2015, Alex Capasso — then the chef and a partner at The Crow and Pitcher, a little restaurant off Rittenhouse Square — was […]

Sunlit Philadelphia City Hall
City Life

OPINION: Black Politicians Are Going to Have to Earn My Vote From Now On

The most open forum in which to hear the unfiltered thoughts of black men in Philly is arguably the barbershop. No matter what our wealth, […]

City Life

OPINION: Single-Identity Social Justice Is No Justice at All

“There’s a gay Trump supporter in Philly,” a close friend of mine texted me on the last weekend in February. “Really? That doesn’t make sense,” […]