
City Life

Thank Goodness More Speed Cameras Are Coming to Philadelphia

Check phillymag.com each morning Monday through Thursday for the latest edition of Philly Today. And if you have a news tip for our hardworking Philly […]

City Life

Dozens of New Red Light Cameras May Be Coming to Philadelphia

Philadelphians have become ridiculously lawless drivers. And red light cameras in Philadelphia make the city lots and lots of money. Given those two facts, it […]

turn signals
City Life

What’s Your Excuse for Not Using Your Turn Signals?

I was born in the era when federal law first decreed that cars had to be equipped with turn signals (1956, Mr. Nosy Ned), so […]

traffic congestion fees congestion pricing
City Life

This Philly Driving App Wants to Save Lives — and Earn You Shake Shack

Ryan Frankel remembers this about the bicycling accident that nearly killed him in 2015: The person behind the steering wheel of the red light-running oncoming […]

congestion charge
City Life

Philly Should Charge People to Drive Into Center City

This article is one piece of a bigger story on climate change in Philadelphia. You can read the full story here.  Philadelphians waste more than […]

speed cameras philadelphia
City Life

It’s Official: Speed Cameras Will Be Installed in Philly this Year

If you’re not a big fan of the red-light cameras that have been snapping photos of offending vehicles in Philly since 2005, you’re probably not […]

aggressive drivers
City Life

The Best Thing That Happened This Week: Use Your Freaking Turn Signal, You Jerk!

Philadelphia. We’re winners! The Super Bowl! James Beard noms! Bryce Harper! City of the Year!!! So none of us should be too upset that we only came in second […]

speed cameras
City Life

Get Ready for Speed Cameras, Philadelphia

If you drive a car in Philadelphia, you’ve probably encountered red-light cameras, which raked in more than $10 million in fines last year alone. Well, […]

City Life

The Driver of This SUV Explains What the Hell Happened Here

Old City resident Monique Mason was on her way to a massage and peppermint foot treatment in South Philly earlier this week when her afternoon […]


Meet Flexdrive, Philly Region’s First Car Subscription Service

Philadelphians looking for more modern alternatives to car ownership may soon be in luck, thanks to burgeoning auto app Flexdrive. Think of Flexdrive as a […]

aggressive drivers
City Life

Pa. Police Are Cracking Down on Aggressive Drivers

State police and officers from 58 municipalities in Southeastern Pennsylvania are launching a major crackdown on aggressive drivers. The statewide mobilization kicked off yesterday and […]

City Life

Almost All of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Now Has a 70 MPH Speed Limit

Gather ’round, children, for this tale of yore: Time was, the maximum speed for Pennsylvanians was 55 miles per hour. You’d head out in a […]


Philly Could See Up to Two Feet of Snow This Weekend

According to the reliable folks at Phillywx.com Facebook Group, the storm looks like it’s going to hit Philadelphia a little earlier than we expected. Their […]

City Life

Study: Pa. in Top 20 States With the Worst Drivers; N.J. Among Nation’s Best

CarInsuranceComparison.com has released a study to answer the all-consuming question: Which state has the worst drivers? Each state is assessed according to the following criteria:

Traffic on the Ben Franklin Bridge
City Life

Philly Among Worst Cities for Drivers, WalletHub Says

If it wasn’t already obvious based on your morning commute — or Sandy Hingston’s — Philadelphia is a really bad city for drivers. WalletHub found that Philly […]