What You Clicked On Most: The Top 10 Philadelphia Wedding Posts of the Year

10. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Are Engaged; Will Officially Become Kimye
Ah, the beginning of the official Kimye wedding cycle, which should continue entertaining us right into 2014.
9. So, Peche is Closing. Here Are 8 Similar Philadelphia Wedding Venues
Our recent post rounded up wedding venues in Philly that are similar in both size and aesthetic to the now-closed Peche in order to help point engaged couples with now-displaced nuptials in the right direction.
8. STUDY: Be As Drunk Or As Sober As Your Spouse, and You’re Good to Go
This fall, a study by the University of Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions found that couples who drink together—or who don’t drink together—stay together, basically. Couples with different drinking habits, on the other hand, don’t always end up riding off into the sunset.
The title pretty much sums it up. Perfection.
6. Zach Braff Wins at Wedding Photo Bombing
Earlier this month, as a couple kissed for a wedding portrait in the middle of a Times Square intersection that Zach Braff just so happened to be strolling through, he decided to cheese for the camera instead of hastily make his way out of the shot. And boy is the world glad he did.
5. 8 Gorgeous Snowy Philly Wedding Photos from Local Photographers
Because we figured all the nervous winter brides could do well to remember that even if snow can make things a bit tricky if it decides to fall on their wedding day, it sure is pretty.
4. Here’s What Really Happens at a Boudoir Photo Shoot
Welp, this post is actually from 2012—but apparently, people are quite curious about what really happens at a boudoir photo shoot. And it was my pleasure to fill everyone in!
3. 23 Items for Your Wedding-Day Bridal Emergency Kit
I write from experience, ladies. (Well, and from the personal recommendations of others who also speak from experience.)
2. Statistics Show That You’re Probably Not Going to Have Sex on Your Wedding Night. Sorry.
In the fall/winter 2013 issue of Philadelphia Wedding, we rounded up the wedding-night stories of local brides whose stories confirmed the mumblings we had always heard: lots of couples just don’t have sex on their wedding night. Then, this fall, a study provided the numbers to back it all up.
1. VIDEO: This Couple Did the Dirty Dancing Dance at Their Wedding, and It’s Amazing
One morning, I was watching Good Morning America, and I happened to see this couple come on in the last few seconds. They explained briefly how they had learned and performed the final Dirty Dancing dance at their wedding, and then proceeded to start shimmying before the credits rolled. When I got into work, I found their videographer’s video of their reception performance online and posted it before closing down the blog for the weekend.
By the time I was cooking dinner that night, though, I noticed that it had been shared over 500 times on Facebook—and then, iPad attached to my person all weekend, watched as the post literally went global; I could see hits coming in from Sydney, Helsinki, the Middle East—I mean, I knew Dirty Dancing was pretty much universally adored but I didn’t know it was actually universally adored.
But it is. And because of that, it was PW’s number-one post of the year.
And we’ve loved spending it with you, brides! Can’t wait to hang out in 2014.
RELATED: Bridal Bulletin’s Top 15 Posts of 2012
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