3 Bread Recipes Packed With Fruits and Vegetables to Bake This Fall
Philly food bloggers Erin Morrissey and Sarah Schutz passed along their recipes for yummy loaves.

These bread recipes are perfect for fall baking. / Photograph courtesy of Sarah Schutz
It doesn’t feel like autumn in Philadelphia right now, to say the least. But when you’re sweating in 90-degree heat today, think about your plans for the temperate weekend topping out in the ’60s — maybe a breezy hike in Delaware Forest State Park (or one of these closer destinations to spot fall foliage) or a trip to a local pumpkin patch or corn maze.
Or maybe you’re staying in, ensconced in the steam of your oven as you dedicate an entire day to baking scrumptious, belly-warming treats. (*insert hand-raise emoji here*). Perhaps you have some family recipes to fall back on, but if you’re in need of some inspiration, we’ve got just the people to turn to.
Erin Morrissey (@erinliveswhole) and Sarah Schutz (@thecuttingveg), two prominent Philly bloggers, literally make a living from cooking food that looks as delicious as it tastes — and doesn’t put you in a sugar coma once you’re done eating it. Since we’re about to kick off prime fall CSA season, we asked them to share their favorite healthyish breads made from luscious produce like zucchini, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins*. Mouth watering already? Sounds like it’s time to get in the kitchen.
Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread

Photograph courtesy of Erin Morrissey
Morrissey uses whole wheat flour, coconut oil, honey, chocolate chips, and zucchini to produce this delectable loaf.
Spiced Sweet Potato Coconut Flour Bread

Photograph courtesy of Sarah Schutz
Coconut flour, mashed sweet potato, and maple syrup come together to create a loaf that reminds us of Thanksgiving casseroles — in bread form!
Paleo Pumpkin Bread

Photograph courtesy of Erin Morrissey
Those with celiac disease will praise this gluten-free bread, made with almond flour, maple syrup, and, of course, pumpkin puree.
*Don’t worry, you don’t have to mash the pumpkins yourself. The recipe calls for pumpkin puree.