More Adults Than Ever Are Returning to the Classroom—And It’s Paying Off in a Big Way

Photo credit: iStock/Christopher Futcher
For those satisfied with their career but looking to boost their salary or score a promotion, often times the question “should I go back to school?” is brought to the forefront. Unfortunately, most working professionals don’t have the time to pursue a graduate degree, causing a conundrum that leads them to consider alternate options. Certificate programs—like those available at Villanova University’s College of Professional Studies—emerge as an option that is convenient, efficient and affordable for adult learners looking for a leg up in their careers.
For adults who are returning to the classroom (online or in-person), pursuing a certificate may increase their earnings. In fact, according to an article in The Washington Post, this boost can be up to 25%. And some fields may be even more prosperous than others. Pulling data from the online database, Monster reports in “Best Certifications for Boosting Your Salary” that certificates in accounting reap up to a 35% increase in one’s salary. Similarly, information technology consistently rank amongst the professions that most benefit from certifications as noted in LiveCareer’s report.
Other professions benefit, too, thanks to extensive training provided in all certificate programs— both for-credit and non-credit. These varieties improve career marketability and may even provide the essential credential to enter higher pay scales, leading to higher earnings. They may also provide a more specialized focus that might not otherwise be obtained, which opens the door for additional opportunities within one’s industry.
Villanova University’s College of Professional Studies offers for-credit programs in professional areas like information systems, leadership, accounting and pre-health professions and more. They also offer non-credit certificates in fields such as human resources, fundraising and even project management.
Certificates allow working adults to forego the decision of sacrificing their career in order to pursue educational opportunities. Instead, certificate programs enable adult learners and working professionals to gain the experience or credentials needed to increase their salary, land a promotion, or simply maintain status as an essential company employee.
Villanova University’s College of Professional Studies programs are impressively wide-ranging. To learn about the type of certificate program that would be best for you, click here.
RELATED: For Adults Looking to Advance Their Careers, There’s an Alternative to a Second Degree
This is a paid partnership between Villanova University College of Professional Studies and Philadelphia Magazine