Philly Fire Department May Unretire Popular #Notonfire Hashtag
When the Philly Fire Department launched a “playful” hashtag on Twitter earlier this year—#notonfire—the department benefitted, seeing the number of Twitter followers nearly double from 600 to 1,100. So when the department abruptly retired the hashtag last week, its fans demanded an explanation. What happened? Just a misunderstanding, apparently. “It was a misunderstanding between his Executive Chief Richard Davison and the social media team, Ayers said. Davison was concerned about people misunderstanding the hashtag since sometimes, (Fire Commissioner Lloyd) Ayers said, #notonfire is used to refer to washed-up celebrities. Davison wanted to make sure that the Fire Department was reaching the right people with the hashtag, Ayers said, but he did not want to end its run.” The #notonfire hashtag may soon be unretired. [Technically Philly]