Corbett Plays Sandy Politics, Should Take Cue From Christie
A few hours ago, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie gave a 40-minute press briefing. He has a cold. He got two hours of sleep last night. He took a helicopter trip over the Jersey Shore and saw houses floating on the highway on Route 35. He’s trying to get to the barrier islands, but there’s no place for him to land. In this press conference, as well as others, Christie—a GOP golden boy, don’t forget—has insistently remarked upon his appreciation for the President’s help and cooperation. He’s pointed to it directly even though he knows, without question, that Democrats will pounce on those kind words (and his embrace of federal assistance) just as soon as the crisis is over. When a reporter asked Christie about Election Day in New Jersey, he had this to say: “I will tell you that this administration at the moment could give a damn less about Election Day.” He said he believed New Jersey residents would be angry if he focused on Election Day instead of what’s happening now: search and rescue, power outages, etc. “I have bigger fish to fry,” he said.
The same restraint could not be noted in Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett, who insisted upon making a GOP-serving reference to Romney in his latest press conference. He had spoken to the President, he said, in answer to a question. And then followed that up with: “I should also note that Gov. Romney called” to inquire about the well-being of Pennsylvanians and to offer help. How is that relevant? Does Romney have something to do with major natural disasters that I don’t know about? Surely many politicians have phoned Corbett to offer support. Many friends, too. Corbett sounded like a spoiled child: Yes I spoke to the President but but but Romney called too, and we talked longer, and he was nicer, and he’s going to send me a lollipop, so there!
If Gov. Corbett mentions Romney again when he’s supposed to be talking about Hurricane Sandy and its impact on our state and its neighbors, I’m going to go to his office and flood his pants with a glass of water. And I’m not going to boil it first either.

Mitt Romney loads a truck on Tuesday, October 30th in Ohio as he participates in a campaign event collecting supplies from local relief organizations for victims of superstorm Sandy.