Gay Marriage: State By State

Find out how you can get involved

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With ballot measures on marriage pending in four states this November, national LGBT organizations have teamed-up to fight back. Along with Freedom to Marry, Human Rights Campaign, National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, Equality PA is asking members across Pennsylvania to consider becoming involved in the United for Marriage Campaign.

This unique effort is looking for out-of-state campaign volunteers to work in the four states facing marriage-related ballot measures on Nov. 6, including Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. The campaign will harness volunteer interest and the growing support for marriage for same-sex couples nationwide into concrete, on-the-ground action in each of the four states before voters head to the polls.

With support from Travel for Change, the campaign is getting ready to recruit and screen volunteers, organize housing and travel, and provide online training run by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund.

Because let’s face it – a win for gay marriage in these states is a win for LGBT Pennsylvanians, too.

Click here for more information.