How Positive Affirmations and Consistent Exercise Helped Me Lose 86 Pounds

Herbalife distributor Jade D. Thomas found she needed to make a mental shift as much as a physical one to truly transform her body.

positive affirmations weight loss

Herbalife distributor Jade D. Thomas has lost weight through a combination of consistent eating and exercise. But the real key to her success has been adding positive affirmations to her daily routine. / Photograph courtesy Jade D. Thomas

Changing your body takes hard work, persistence, and dedication. Here’s one local’s story. Want to share your Transformation Story? Email

Who: Jade D. Thomas (@lifecoach_jade24), 32, graphic designer and Herbalife distributor from Frankford

Why I wanted to make a change: I have always been overweight. Even as a child, I was told by doctors I needed to diet. I found myself entering college at a size 14 to 16 and leaving a size 24. After having two cesarean sections, I was not happy with my weight or myself. I found myself working 12-hour days six days a week and focusing on my career more than anything else. When the school I was working at closed, I was in a difficult financial situation, and that drove me to create something out of nothing. I said yes to my health and spending an hour a day on myself. That hour turned into a whole business, me losing 86 pounds, and transforming myself mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially. Rock bottom inspired me to make a change.

When I started: I said yes to transformation December 31st, 2014. I began my journey in January 2015, and I have never stopped.

Height: 5’6”

Starting weight: 254 pounds

Current weight: 168 pounds

How I changed: My entire life has changed. I’m healthier. I’m a much happier person. I’m a better mother to my children. But, most importantly, I have self-confidence now and a passion to inspire others to feel this amazing inside and out.

How I changed my diet: Working 12-hour days had me eating out two to four times a day. I started eating an Herbalife shake and some tea, plus high-protein snacks and one meal per day. I was as consistent as you are with showering and brushing your teeth. Now I eat clean, and I do have my occasional cheat days and meals. I love that this routine allows me so much freedom to eat the things I personally enjoy but in moderation.

More than my changes to nutrition, though, I had to work on my mindset. I began a power hour of prayer, of positive affirmations, that helped me to focus my energies on a successful day. That’s the biggest transformation I’ve had.

How I changed my workouts: After losing my first 50 pounds without working out, I decided to go to the gym two to three nights a week. Now I’m the 5 a.m. girl who’s hitting the gym before work. I make my first two hours of my day mine. At first, I focused mainly on cardio and 15 minutes of weight training two to three days a week. Now I am super consistent and building muscle, so I am working more on lifting. Monday through Wednesday, I start with 15 minutes of cardio — running on the treadmill or elliptical or even the bike or StairMaster — then I spend the rest of my time lifting.

The hardest part: Definitely the lack of support from those like family and friends who I thought would be happy for me. Success comes with sacrifices. People often have stuff going on with them and can’t be in your positive space. I learned to love others for who they are and to be self-motivated. Me versus me every day.

What I’m most proud of: Most would think it would be my physical changes, but my mental transformation has changed my life, not just my health.

What I want everyone to know: I’m just like you. I come from a place than many don’t make it out of. If I can do it, so can you. We all have something special inside of us. If you begin to give yourself one hour a day, you, too, can transform your entire life.

What’s next: I am looking to see what my body is truly capable of. A six-pack has always been my dream goal. I can’t wait to achieve it.

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