Proof That Villanova’s Jay Wright Is the Best-Dressed Coach in the Sweet 16

One of Coach Wright’s sharp game-day looks. | Image via Nova Athletics YouTube.
Even if you didn’t fill out a March Madness bracket, Villanova head coach Jay Wright is giving you plenty of reasons to tune into the tournament. All basketball aside (for more on the team’s Sweet 16 advancement, click here), Coach Wright’s courtside style game is on point—and we’re not the only ones who have taken notice. Enter #SuitWatch, perhaps the greatest thread of all time on local Nova basketball fan blog VU Hoops. #SuitWatch details and ranks every game day outfit Coach Wright wears, making us here at Shoppist very proud.
VU Hoops runs the #SuitWatch thread as closely to a men’s style blog as possible, weaving in game info alongside style tips. They rank each of Wright’s suits out of five ‘Esquires,’ taking everything from fabric choice to pocket square details into consideration. (Reader beware: Look out for generous use of the word ‘exquisite.’)
Of course, Wright can’t take all the credit for his sharp wardrobe. Gabriele D’Annunzio, a local Italian tailor and suit-maker, crafts all of the Villanova coach’s dapper looks. Want to cop Coach Wright’s style? Click here to find out where you can get suited up by D’Annunzio.
We’d like to say bravo to the sartorial-minded humans behind VU Hoops; way to find the stylish take on sports coverage. You make us fellow Philly-fashion-lovers proud. (Also, I hate to root against you, but loyalty is loyalty: Go Irish.)