Matthew McConaughey Bought Nick Foles a Full-Page Newspaper Ad

The fellow Texan showed our Super Bowl MVP a little love on Sunday.

nick foles, matthew mcconaughey

L: Matthew McConaughey via Avda / | R: Nick Foles by Jeff Fusco

Nick Foles got an unexpected surprise from a fellow Austin, Texas, native this weekend.

Actor Matthew McConaughey bought our Eagles superstar a full-page newspaper ad on Sunday in the Austin-American Statesman. The managing editor of the paper showed it off in a tweet:

McConaughey is a diehard Washington football fan, but apparently his love of Texans outweighs his love of team.

The ad reads: “From one local to another, Congratulations Nick Foles. just keep livin, Matthew McConaughey.”

Just keep livin. Very McConaughey.