For #NoSavesies 2017, the PPD Channeled “Stranger Things”

Alas, a ”grammatically terrible sign that threatens violence” will not save you from a fine.

nosavesies, savesiesthings, savesies

Photo via the Philadelphia Police Department

Snow’s in the forecast this weekend – and that means #nosavesies season is upon us.

This year, Philly police are warning against the (illegal!) tradition of #savesies with a video that parodies one of the best shows ever created, Stranger Things.

Their video is called #SavesieThings, and we love it. It highlights all the bizarre objects people have used to save shoveled parking spots over the years, like these:

And here it is in all its glory:

Here’s last year’s #NoSavesies video, which channeled Drake, in case you forgot how good it was: