The Best Thing That Happened This Week: A Winner in Wawa vs. Sheetz!
The battle for your belly is officially over and done.
It’s been busy days lately for Wawa. In addition to the convenience chain’s announcement that it was closing its big Center City store at Broad and Walnut (beloved by Eagles fans with fond memories of celebrating the Super Bowl win outside it) and opening its first-ever drive-thru, there was a new volley in the Sheetz vs. Wawa turf war: news that a NASA cartographer, Joshua Stevens, has created a space map pinpointing the location of every store in “the battlefield for your belly,” as he calls it. (Alas, a documentary supposedly in the works on said battle failed to meet its funding goals.)
But we’re here to declare the Sheetz vs. Wawa fight officially over — and to declare a winner, thanks to the birth announcement above, issued by proud to-be-parents Hannah and Tom Geisel of Havertown, PA. No greater proof of Wawa’s claim on anyone’s heart could be had than this adorable proclamation of filial and maternal devotion to their forthcoming Shorti. Case closed. Over and done. Sorry, Sheetz. (Kellyanne! Get the Tasty Klair!)