Philly’s Murder Rate Is Skyrocketing Again in 2014
2013 is starting to seem like a very long time ag0—remember when we were debating how much credit Mayor Nutter might deserve for the year’s stunning drop in the murder rate? Well, consider that debate on hold.
Why? Well, as CBS reports, two Philadelphia men were killed by gunfire Monday night—in in the 600 block of Franklin Place, the other in the 3300 block of Amber Street. While the police department’s own crime statistic website appears to be down at the moment, was reporting on Monday at 11 people had already died in the New Year. The additional two makes 13 deaths by the end of 13 days so far in January—a one-a-day rate that usually inspires big headlines and scary talk. Are we there yet? Was 2013 the fluke, or is January? [CBS Local]