Phreezing: How Philadelphians Are Celebrating the Cold on Twitter, Vine, and More
As expected, Philadelphians are documenting today’s record cold in photos, videos, and social media:
Obligatory cold weather tweet. #Philly
— Mark Headd (@mheadd) January 7, 2014
Which: This is how cold it is—a more than healthy number of #Philly #cold pics on Twitter today are screenshots from the user’s iPhone. Nobody actually wants to go outside to document this.
Luckily, there were exceptions:
I think I’ll wear purple today. #philly #polarvortex #cold
— Liza Dixon (@lizadixon) January 7, 2014
Preston and Steve do the old “make water freeze in mid-air” trick:
While others simply tried to brave the weather:
And others found that simply wearing the right hat could make everything better:
Have great pics, videos, Vines, or Instagrams to share? Leave links in the comments, or grab my attention on Twitter @joelmmathis.