Rendell Takes a Ride on the Bullet Train

It goes really fast.

We’ve already told you about Ed Rendell’s support for a maglev “bullet train” for the Northeast Corridor, kind of like the ones they use in Japan and Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movies.  The New York Times reports that Rendell was in a delegation to Japan that actually experienced a train ride over the weekend.

But Businessweek is skeptical  that maglev trains are in America’s future: “Well, maybe—if in the future, politicians in the U.S. suddenly decide to make a break from decades of under-funding public transport and instead devote gigantic sums to high-speed rail. Here in the present, though, commuters from New Jersey to New York can’t even get the government to spend money on a new tunnel across the Hudson River. Chris Christie, governor of the Garden State and presumptive GOP savior in 2016, nixed that plan back in 2010, and he just won re-election in a landslide.”