Even Republicans Not So Hot on Tom Corbett Re-election
Chris Brennan at the Daily News reports that Republicans do not love Pennsylvania’s Republican governor, Tom Corbett. “A Daily News/Franklin & Marshall College Poll released today shows that 44 percent of the Republicans polled want another candidate for governor, while 42 percent of them are sticking with Corbett. Another 14 percent of Republicans did not know if Corbett should run.” Do the math, and that means 58 percent of Republicans are indifferent, at best, to their guy’s re-election. Not good news for the governor.
It gets worse:
Poll director G. Terry Madonna said “it seemed logical” to ask Republicans if they want Corbett in the race, due to the governor’s low poll numbers and recent talk in Harrisburg about a potential GOP replacement candidate.
“No governor has been where he is at this point,” said Madonna, who has been measuring the political opinions of Pennsylvanians for the Daily News since 1992.
Today’s poll finds 1 percent saying Corbett is doing an excellent job, 18 percent saying he’s doing a good job, 39 percent rating him as only doing a fair job, and 37 percent saying he’s doing a poor job.
Basically, if Tom Corbett wins re-election, it will be a feat long remembered in political history. Should make the next year of maneuvering interesting to watch.