State Police Stops Protecting Lt. Gov’s Wife
State police crunched some numbers and figured out they were spending more to protect Suzanne Cawley than–get this–than they were for Jim Cawley! Wait, who and who? Exactly.
From July through the end of September, the state police paid $81,000 in travel expenses to protect Suzanne Cawley, or $20,000 more than for her husband’s detail. The reason: Suzanne Cawley resumed working in May as a full-time real estate agent in New York City, a job that required her to spend several days at a time out of state.
Nobody really knows who the Lieutenant Governor is, let alone what he does, so it makes sense that protection of his more-anonymous wife would be relaxed. In fairness, it was the Cawleys themselves who requested this relaxed treatment, citing their own fiscal responsibility. Now, if only the Corbetts themselves were more conscious of the problematic trips they were taking. [Inquirer]