The Awkward Inquirer Article About Suzanne and Ralph Roberts’ Wedding

Occasionally, the New York Times runs a Sunday wedding announcement that makes one half of a couple seem a hell of a lot less into the whole thing than his or her partner. Usually, these feature horror stories about repeated rejections and disastrous dates, repackaged as stories about doggedly persistent suitors, undeterred by failure. Oddly enough, today’s schmaltzy, page-long Inquirer feature on the relationship between prominent Philly denizens Ralph and Suzanne Roberts (celebrating their 70th anniversary) features a similarly wince-inducing narrative.

When they were 20 and 19, 70 years ago, Ralph asked Suzanne to marry her twice. And twice, Suzanne said no. Finally, she acquiesced, but only after she saw him flirting with another girl. It goes on; about the wedding, Ralph said: “Here was Suzanne looking so attractive, and I was excited about the whole thing.” Suzanne? “It was overwhelming. The wedding night was coming.” About that wedding night: Ralph brought his bride to their room at the Biltmore in New York, where he “lit candles and opened a bottle of champagne.” Suzanne’s response? She locked herself in the bathroom all night. [Inquirer]