Pulse: Chatter: Brooke de la Villanova: High Society: November 2008

Bonjour, dumplings! Did you miss me last month? My new makeover (don’t I look gorg?) has me feeling very Parisian. Hopefully the aura will remain after Edgar gets the bill. … The Main Line social whirl has been frantic! One of the best ­parties we attended was the birthday ­soiree for ­Jacqueline ­Blumenfeld, whose husband, real estate developer Eric, helped blow out the designer candles with Jessica and Eric Berger, Jill and Bart ­Blatstein, Cindy and Ralph Yaffe, and Eric and Michele Seidman. (Miraculously, Michele stayed off her iPhone the entire bash!) … While turkey, trees and dreidels are looming, it seems Valentine’s is also in the air. How else to explain the spicy lovefest between Ana Maria ­Lenfest, whose split from cable heir Chase seems only yesterday, and exec Ken Tepper, formerly the better half of beleaguered heiress Susan Tabas Tepper? Quieter canoodling (but none, we’re assured, less caliente) has been going on between new Eagles VP Pamela Browner, ex of Bruce ­Crawley, and business ­honcho ­Jeremiah White. … Finally, a ­question: What willowy ­Rittenhouse staple had to be ­carried out of Rouge a while back after over-­imbibing — and then wet herself in the process? Sacre bleu! I do hope poor Maggie Wasserman had stocked up on Resolve.