Movers and Shapers

This year, hundreds of local designers will host symposia, open studios, installations, parties and exhibits in 90 events from October 16th to 22nd

Rachel Zimmerman, InLiquid
1400 North American Street, suite 314, 215-235-3405,

Fine artists attending a design festival doesn’t seem like a weird concept. Yet Zimmerman’s InLiquid is one of the only arts groups actively involved in DesignPhiladelphia — which, she notes, is par for the course in Philly. “There’s a real disconnect here between those involved in the arts and those involved in design,” says Zimmerman. “People don’t think about buying art in the same way they think about buying a vase or expensive accessories for their house. They don’t seem to realize art and design go hand in hand.” That was, in fact, the point of InLiquid when Zimmerman, a photographer with a graphic and Web design business, started the organization nine years ago. “We get involved in the event because we want architects to know that we’re here,” she says. “DesignPhiladelphia creates a synergy between all different things, which is critical. It’s what InLiquid tries to do, too.”

Best known for: “Art for the Cash Poor,” InLiquid’s annual art exhibit at which no piece sells for more than $199.

What she’s doing this year: Working with Minima’s Eugenie Perret to create public art for Perret’s Pop-Up Neighborhood; co-curating an InLiquid installation in the Crane Arts Building with architect Meg Rodgers. InLiquid, October 19th, 3 to 5 p.m. 1400 North American Street.