Candidate, Kicked Off by Court, Will Remain on Ballot in Some Counties
The Patriot-News’s Donald Gilliland reports that, though Main Line Republican Bob Guzzardi was disqualified from the gubernatorial primary by a court, he will remain on the ballot in some counties.
The person that counties will use as a bellweather to determine whether Guzzardi stays or goes? Ralph Nader.
Gilliland reports that counties haven’t gotten guidance from Tom Corbett’s department of state, so some counties are leaving Guzzardi on for various logistical reasons: Potter County sends its voting machine memory cards to a company in Omaha, Nebraska, to be programmed, and it’s too late to do that before the May 20th primary. Both Potter and Adams counties — at the top and bottom of Pennsylvania’s conservative “T” — are following the same procedures they did when Ralph Nader was removed from Pennsylvania’s ballot in 2004.