You Can Now Try CBD Oil Smoothies at This Philly Healthy Lunch Spot

CBD oil smoothies have arrived at all Philly Fuel locations.

cbd oil smoothies

CBD oil smoothies have arrived at Fuel. Photograph courtesy Fuel.

Is it just us, or is this whole CBD oil thing getting a little out of hand? First, it was in our wellness stores and spas — cropping up in muscle-pain-relief lotions and massages. Then, it landed in our ice cream, with Little Baby’s selling pints of chocolate-flavored, CBD oil-infused ice cream at their new location. Next, CBD came for our manis and pedis.

And now? It’s in our smoothies. On Friday, October 6, three new CBD oil smoothies — all part of a new “Dream” collection — debuted at all Fuel eateries around Philly. The smoothies can all be made vegan, and each contain 0.5 milliliters of CBD oil. The flavors are Green Dream (include kale, ginger, pineapple, spinach, and honey), Berry Dream (includes strawberry, mango, apple, and banana), and Orange Dream (includes orange juice, banana, vanilla, and non-fat yogurt).

While the FDA still hasn’t approved the use of CBD — a non-psychoactive compound found in hemp plants — for treating anything other than two types of epilepsy, the stuff has been associated with a lot of health benefits. From relieving pain, to reducing anxiety, and helping with depression, there are a lot of claims out there about what CBD oil can do — and not a ton of research (yet) to back it up. Nontheless, the CBD oil trend is hot — and shows no sign of slowing.

In addition to the new CBD oil smoothies, Fuel customers can also add the oil to any of the other smoothies on the menu for an additional $2.95. The Dream collection smoothies come in three sizes, priced at $6.95 for a 16 ounce, $7.95 for a 20 ounce, and $8.95 for a 24 ounce.

“My goal is for all Fuel locations and franchises to offer cutting edge experiences and menus. Now, with CBD infused smoothies, I am pleased to give customers an option to focus on their body along with their mental well being,” said Fuel president Rocco Cima, in a press release. “While we can’t and won’t make any medical claims, I suggest everyone do their research and decide if CBD infused edibles are for them.”

Fuel is located in Center City, University City, and South Philly. Find more info on locations here.

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