Whole Foods Owns Up to Overcharging Customers, Says They’ll Give You Free Food

Photo via Flickr/David Shankbone

Photo via Flickr/David Shankbone

Last week, we told you guys that Whole Foods had been caught overcharging customers for prepackaged foods (think: nuts, berries, fruit, seafood) in their New York stores. And now, our friends over at BizPhilly have alerted us that co-CEOs Walter Robb and John Mackey have issued a video apology, ’fessing up to overcharging customers, though they say it was unintentional.

And now, they say, if you think the cost of a prepackaged item you’re about to purchase is inaccurate, you can ask the cashier to double-check — and if you’re right, and the cost error is not in your favor, they’ll give you your cheese or almonds or pineapple or whatever it was for free. (We have a feeling Whole Foods cashiers are about to hate their jobs.)

Head on over to BizPhilly to check out the full video apology.

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