Are You Faster Than SEPTA?

“Race The Bus” this Wednesday and find out.

Or you could just pay the $2.25. (Clean Air Council)

Or you could just pay the $2.25. (Clean Air Council)

Anybody who’s sat on a bus in traffic — or watched those creeping dots on the SEPTA app — has surely wondered if they’d have been better off just hoofing it.

But would you? You might have the advantage over a short distance, just by virtue of being smaller and more agile and not having to carry people. But buses have motors and don’t get tired, so the longer the race, the bigger the advantage for the machines, right?

This Wednesday, the Clean Air Council invites you to put it to the test at their annual Race the Bus race against the 21 bus. It’s a 3.1 mile race east through the city during rush hour. Starts at 40th and Chestnut. Ends with a happy hour at Plough & The Stars.

Heed the fine print: “Runners participate at their own risk. Runners must obey all pedestrian and traffic laws. Event is not sponsored by SEPTA — they are just along for the ride.”

Wed., March 22, 5:30 p.m. (5:41 p.m. start)

Now, for a little man-vs.-mass transit inspiration, here’s a guy trying to outrun the London Underground. It’s a close one.