
philly architecture
City Life

Philly’s Rapid Redevelopment Is Putting Its Architectural Character at Risk

When the owners of Capogiro Gelato Artisans announced they were closing all locations in December, my social media feeds exploded. There was mass mourning; people […]


Philly Firm Picked to Renovate the Alamo

Remember the Alamo? The old Texas mission is historic, but the area surrounding it feels less so — overgrown with hotels and office buildings. Now a […]


Who Will Help Save This 19th-Century Home in Darby?

In what appears to be a case of survival of the fittest with a building preservation twist, one Darby resident has taken it upon himself […]

st laurentius church

Morning Headlines: Residents Battle Over Fishtown Church

Philadelphia Archidiocese workers started removing icons from the 132-year-old Gothic St. Laurentius church this week, including the altar and Stations of the Cross. A group […]


Gladwyne Commons With Church Conversion Is a Go

Main Line reBUILD has secured approval from Lower Merion Township—in a unanimous 12-0 vote—to move forward with the development of 310-324 Righters Mill Road. The hearing […]


Morning Headlines: Kenney Wants to Preserve and Protect

As if decriminalizing marijuana weren’t enough, City Councilman Jim Kenney has proposed a double whammy of legislation that could improve the city’s inadequate system of […]


Preservation Alliance Awards Wrap-Up: Bowties and Bonhomie

The Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia has been handing out its Preservation Achievement Awards for 21 years. Last night’s honorees were a disparate group, from […]


Morning Headlines: Church to Condo Conversion in Narberth

The proposed adaptive reuse of St. Margaret’s Church, also known as the Gleason Center, made headway this past Wednesday after the Narberth Planning Commission voted […]

detail of st pete's

Union Protests At Trolley Car Diner Because They Are Angry About Something Different Than Trolley Car Diner

Real estate developer and Trolley Car Diner owner Ken Weinstein sent out an email to many, many people (from Pete Hoskins to Terry Gillen) to […]


Pennsylvania’s Most Endangered Properties

Each year, Preservation PA puts out “Pennsylvania At Risk,” a statewide report identifying a handful of properties threatened by “demolition, significant deterioration, vandalism, inappropriate alteration, […]


Morning Headlines: 84 Percent Endorse iPic’s Plan for the Boyd

Yesterday, Philly mag conducted a poll that asked the question: “Is it time to tear down the Boyd?” A startling 84 percent of respondents said, “Yes, […]


Philadelphia’s Most Endangered Properties 2013

The big news that was embargoed until this morning yet released yesterday anyway is the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia’s 11th Annual Endangered Properties List. […]


Gallery: The Demolition of Ortlieb’s Brewery

Property photographer Laura Kicey went over to the Henry F. Ortlieb Brewery site in Northern Liberties this weekend to chronicle its end. She came away […]

church of the assumption

Morning Headlines: Zoning Board Says No to Ori Feibush

Point Breeze developer Ori Feibush stirred some controversy this month when his lawyer, Wally Zimilong, sent a letter to a woman, Haley Dervinis, opposed to […]


Armory’s Developer Not Known for Preservation, But the Building Has to Come Down

Michael Carosella, the developer who owns the dilapidated armory on the 1200 block of South Broad, is not exactly known for preservation work. So it […]