PW Reader Ring: Jen & Matt!

Jen’s ring!
The couple: Jen Schuster and Matt Conicella from Mount Laurel.
The ring: My ring is an oval aquamarine surrounded by diamonds and set in white gold. Matt knew from about the third month we were dating that I had wanted my birthstone for an engagement ring instead of a diamond; I like being just a bit different. I told him that I either wanted an oval- or emerald-shaped stone. He couldn’t have picked a more perfect ring.
The proposal: The proposal happened just before Christmas last year when we had been together just over two years. I was living with my parents at the time, and Matt was coming over that night—we planned to go grab Chinese for dinner and then watch his favorite Christmas movie, Home Alone. My parents were at a wedding, so he had figured it would be a perfect time to ask without anyone around. I had been preparing for Christmas dinner all day and was starving by the time Matt got to the house, so soon as he got there, I ran upstairs, got my coat and purse and rushed him out the door for dinner. (I had foiled his plan to propose before dinner!) He swears he was sweating the whole time through dinner, but I couldn’t tell at all.
When we got back to the house, he started talking about the Christmas stocking my mom had made him the year before and how he liked it so much, he got me one, too. I was really confused and then he said he hung the stocking on the tree and I had to find it. I walked over to the tree and I was already shaking. I saw the little stocking hung on the tree and grabbed it, and there was a small box inside that I pulled out as fast as I could. Matt got down on one knee, and I still have no idea what he said, I just know I said, “Yes!” as he opened the box to reveal the most perfect ring I had ever seen. (He told me later that I bent down with him to the floor.) I was in total shock! I had no idea he was going to propose, even though we had talked about it. He then told me I should call my parents because they were waiting for it, since he had called and asked my father’s permission two days prior. They were super excited and came right home. My dad even had several bottles of champagne chilling to toast us. It was truly wonderful.
The band: I want a thin white-gold band with the bump out, so that it lays flush to the ring. I want something simple, so not to take away from the sparkle in my ring. We plan to go to Family Jewelers in Marlton.
Read other PW Reader Ring stories here.
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