Morning Headlines: Could A.C. Default in April?

Photo | Dan McQuade
Good morning, Philadelphia. Here’s what you need to know today:
Moody’s is warning that Atlantic City could default on its debt as soon as April. reports the investment service issued its warning right before today’s New Jersey legislative session where two bills to help the city will be considered. One bill would have the state take over the city’s finances; the second would let the city’s casinos make payments in lieu of taxes, known as PILOTs. But even if both bills are passed, Moody’s warned, Atlantic City’s “financial position will remain vulnerable to external factors such as further casino closures and deteriorating state finances.” The best-case scenario still includes a lot of uncertainty, in other words.
Justice Michael Eakin won’t get a second chance to make the case for a deal on the “Porngate” charges against him.
Eakin, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice, had asked that he get a chance to introduce and argue for a proposed deal before the entire Court of Judicial Discipline. Instead, the court ruled Wednesday that it won’t be bound — punishment-wise — by any deal Eakin has struck, but instead will make its own decisions. If Eakin is found guilty of the charges, the court said in its ruling, “the Court will entertain argument and recommendations as to any appropriate sanction, whether jointly made by the parties or otherwise, only at a sanctions hearing” to determine punishment.
A house collapsed in Germantown early this morning.
6ABC reports nine people were displaced by the collapse, which happened about 1 a.m. in the 5100 block of Marion Street. Two people inside the house made it to safety; the other seven people were in a neighboring home affected by the collapse, which is still under investigation.
Taser has been given a no-bid contract to furnish the first body cameras for Philadelphia Police.
WHYY reports the city will pay $210,000 for the cameras — part of a $705,000 contract with Taser that also furnishes stun guns to city officers. City officials said officers tested seven different body cameras during a pilot project, and Taser’s version was the preferred option. But this is just the beginning: The contract with Taser covers only a few hundred cameras. Officials said they’ll soon open up bidding to equip the rest of the 6,500-member force with new body cameras.
Penn and Temple will participate in a large-scale study of head trauma on student athletes.
The Inquirer reports the schools join 28 other universities and medical institutions, including Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, in the $30 million study, which will track the health of about 25,000 players. “There’s still a lot that’s not known about concussion,” said Dianne Langford, associate professor of neuroscience at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple. “This will increase our understanding, help improve outcomes, and protect the players.”
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