Yes, Vince Fumo Has No Bananas

It’s a long way down from being the most powerful man in Pennsylvania politics. Former State Sen. Vince Fumo can barely get a fresh banana these days in federal prison, where he’s serving a five-year term on corruption charges. His fiancée, Carolyn Zinni, has started a campaign to bring more fresh fruits and vegetables to convicts, under a campaign called “Real Food for Felons.”

“Because My Loved one is away in a Federal Prison Camp and has NOT had a piece of fruit or fresh vegetable in almost 4 YEARS !!” Zinni wrote on a petition filed on the website change dot org, where it had gathered 20 signatures by Tuesday morning.

“I thought Michelle Obama was all about health and fresh foods for schools. What about prisons? Are these men and woman less valuable?

This is just wrong !!”

Of course, if Fumo gets access to fresh veggies in prison, it’s easy to guess what will happen next: He’ll corner the black market on bananas and walk out of prison with millions of dollars in ill-gotten banana gains. It just fits the pattern. [Philadelphia Inquirer]