Philly’s Happiest Gay Couples

Seven same-sex Philly couples reveal how they met, what they love about each other and how they make it work.

 Meredith Rainey (46) + Thaddeus Squire (39)

Squire is the founder and managing director of CultureWorks Greater Philadelphia, which helps to manage art and heritage projects and organizations like the groundbreaking Hidden City Philadelphia. Rainey is a former dancer with the Pennsylvania Ballet who started his own company, Carbon Dance Theatre. They’re celebrating their 12th anniversary in July.

T: “We met at Woody’s on karaoke night.”

M: “I thought he was really cute. But at that time, I didn’t want to date anyone.”

T: “I felt something too. But I wasn’t looking. I had just come back from driving nine hours from Maine.”

M: “We didn’t exchange numbers or anything.”

T: “We didn’t go out until a week later.”

M: “We’re not supposed to be together, according to the Chinese calendar. But our first date was 24 hours long. We went to Beau Monde for dinner, and then it started raining, flooding down Bainbridge. I lived close, so we ran to my house. We talked until 3 a.m., and went out the next morning for coffee and breakfast.”

T: “It doesn’t seem to have been remotely 12 years. I can’t imagine any other relationship. There’s something about the match of our energies that could last for a really long time. Even the dog’s getting old. We have a middle-aged chocolate Lab.”

M: “I’ve never been with anybody this long. He’s not overly romantic, but when he does something romantic, I never forget it. He bought me a beautiful orchid, and it blooms every year. It’s a constant reminder of his support.”

T: “He’s noble and very virtuous. I don’t know anybody who is as moral and virtuous.”

M: “I’m a prude!”