Best Places to Raise Kids: How Philly Parents Live
25% of suburban parents never worry about safety in their neighborhood.
3% of city parents say the same.
52%: City parents “totally satisfied” with their children’s schools.
49%: Suburban parents who feel the same way.
$30-$59: Most common cost for a city family’s transportation per week.
For suburban families, it’s $60-$89.
39%: Share of city parents with kids in public or charter schools, compared to 66% of uburban families.
92% of suburban parents know their neighbors. In the city, it’s 97%.
34%: Families in the city who have been on more than 10 cultural outings (ballet, theater, museums) in the past year.
11%: Suburban families who report the same.
Most common fear parents have for their kids: In the city, “Safety.”
In the ’burbs, that ties with “Getting them into a good college.”
31% of city parents are “totally satisfied” with their social lives.
21% of suburban parents are.
64%: Share of city parents who spend no more than three hours a week in the car. 74% of suburban parents spend three or more.
35%: Share of city families who eat in restaurants more than six times a month.
21% of suburbanites dine out that often.
Statistics are the result of Philly Mag’s online poll of 281 parents in the city and suburbs.