The Good Life: Accessory, Leehe Fai Goldfarb
And her dogs, Sonic and Lucy
You know her for her eponymous Rittenhouse Square boutique — and owe her for bringing chic party dresses, high-end denim, and L.A.-ish tops and accessories together in one pink-walled spot. But what you may not realize about Leehe Fai Goldfarb is that she’s the brains behind Rittenhouse Square’s adorable new Doggie Style pet
You know her for her eponymous Rittenhouse Square boutique — and owe her for bringing chic party dresses, high-end denim, and L.A.-ish tops and accessories together in one pink-walled spot. But what you may not realize about Leehe Fai Goldfarb is that she’s the brains behind Rittenhouse Square’s adorable new Doggie Style pet boutiques, too. For Goldfarb — who cops to giving her dogs pawdicures and prime real estate in her bed — the transition from women’s gear to pet stuff was natural: “Growing up, our house was like one giant SPCA,” she says. And while she insists the Doggie Style entendre is unintentional, the newer Doggie Style (it opened just weeks ago) does have a grooming salon called “Dirty Dog”; it also boasts training classes, trick workshops and a “Walk of Fame” (where dogs can leave their painted prints). And as if running a third store wasn’t enough of a project, the Goldfarb clan has other big plans: Leehe and Sonic have their first major dog-sports competition in Virginia, and the whole family will be heading down the Shore. “My husband and I must be the only people looking to buy a Shore house for our dogs,” she says. “It’s not the beach we need — it’s a backyard for them to play in!”
Leehe Fai, 133 South 18th Street, 215-564-6111; Doggie Style, 2056 Locust Street, 215-546-3670, and 1635 Spruce Street, 215-545-5900.