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City Life

The Top Ten Philly Sports Announcers of All Time

The voices carried me home. Dating back to high school, on most weekends in the summer I’d drive to the Jersey Shore and relax with […]

City Life

One of Us: Cecily Tynan

My name is … Cecily Tynan. I had a Great-Uncle Cecil in England, and they just added the “y.” My parents actually thought they invented […]

City Life

Growing Up in Philadelphia: The Lost City

Eddie Gindi seems genuinely excited as he stands at the dais in the Union League. The executive vice president and co-owner of Century 21 department […]

City Life

One of Us: Patti LaBelle

My name is … Patti LaBelle. I was born Patricia Louise Holte. Patti LaBelle came from Harold B. Robinson, a car dealer in Philadelphia, who […]

City Life

Philly Fighting Words: Why Everything You Think Is Great Actually Sucks

There are some truths that Philadelphians hold to be self-evident: Wawa is awesome. Our cabs are crap. Water ice is the sweet summer nectar of […]

City Life

Jersey Shore Haters Unite!

Two weeks before we left, I started to get so excited that I staged our supplies on the front porch. They fit into one pile: […]

City Life

Michael Nutter’s Incorruptible Administration

This is the Golden Age of ethics for the City of Philadelphia. But I’ll grant that it might not seem that way. Philadelphia’s Traffic Court […]

City Life

Don Tollefson’s Last Stand

She kept Don inside. His mother wanted him to study. She wouldn’t let him be like them, those other kids who got into trouble. Don […]

City Life

How Did Michael Strange Really Die in Afghanistan?

Charlie Strange in a rest-stop parking lot at dawn, trying not to cry. Charlie somewhere in Maryland, a few hundred feet from I-95, lighting a […]

City Life

Pool Boys: The Summer Gay Scene at the Raven Pool in New Hope

“Are you drawing my PIC-TCHA?” From my lounge chair, I look up to see an older, slightly stocky gentleman hovering over me. He’s wearing blue […]