Campbell Soup Ad Features Gay Dads and a Famous Line From Star Wars

"I am your father."

Campbell Soup took a bold advertising step this week, releasing a series of commercials featuring non-traditional families.

The ad that’s gotten the most attention features two real-life gay dads. In the commercial, a man is seen feeding his son the company’s new Star Wars-brand chicken noodle soup using the iconic phrase: “I am your father.” Soon after, his partner feeds his son a spoonful of soup and says “No, no, no. I am your father.” Check it out:

Yin Woon Rani, vice president of marketing activation at Campbell’s, said in a statement that the advertising campaign is a way to show the dynamics of the changing American family.

“We wanted to show actual families, which means families of different configurations, cultures, races and life choices,” said Rani. “The American family is changing faster than at any time in recent history and it is now a true mosaic of shapes and sizes, all bonded through love, and love of good food.”

Rani also said that “this campaign holds a mirror up to the modern American family, because we know that people respond to brands that understand them and show life how it is, in all its glorious and joyous imperfections.”

The video generated 180,000 views on YouTube and more than 1,700 comments, ranging from those praising the video and the typical haters bashing it.

It brings to mind other large businesses that have done similar ad campaigns featuring gay characters. In France, McDonalds offered this commercial with the tagline “come as you are.”

Meanwhile, Pepsi came out with this ad in the United Kingdom.

It also brings to mind a two-year-old Cheerios commercial from the United States featuring an interracial family that got plenty of buzz:

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