Master the Art of Making Nut Butter: 17 Delicious DIY Nut Butter Recipes to Try



Nut butters are a great way to add healthy fats and some plant-based protein to a meal or snack. But while pre-packaged nut butters are convenient, many contain hydrogenated oils and preservatives. By making your own nut butter, you’ll cut out artificial ingredients—and you may save money, too. Grab your spoon and check out our list of 17 homemade nut butter recipes that will have you scraping the jar clean.

1. Maple Roasted Nut Butter
via La Casa de Sweets

This nut butter combines almonds, walnuts, hemp powder, flax powder, and chia seeds. By toasting the mixture beforehand, this nut butter takes on a rich flavor. Maple syrup also gives the butter a touch of natural sweetness.

2. Espresso Cacao Cashew Almond Butter
via Pancake Warriors

With the addition of cacao nibs and espresso powder, this almond butter is perfect for an energy boost. Processing the nuts will be easier if you roast them first, but if you choose to leave them raw, make sure to add a little melted coconut oil while processing.

»» Read the rest of this post over on our sister blog, Hub Health! 

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