Want Vegan Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream?

ben and jerry's lead

Photo via Instagram

If you’re a true-blue vegan who still wanders over to the ice cream aisle at Whole Foods and stares longingly into the Ben & Jerry’s freezer, pining over pints of the company’s drool-worthy ice creams, you are not alone. Case in point: A couple in Charlottesville has started a petition on Change.org asking Ben & Jerry’s to please, please, pretty please, begin offering some sort of dairy-free ice cream option, and, as of right now, the petition has nearly 6,000 signatures.

The company already offers a few non-dairy fruit sorbets, but folks think it would be great if they offered one or a few of their beloved ice cream flavors, too. As the petition states, “For many, Ben & Jerry’s sets the ice cream agenda. They are in the position to lead the way and make non-dairy ice cream a mainstream choice, like Meatless Mondays.” And also, it would just be really nice to be able to pick up a pint of vegan Half Baked Ice Cream—or Cookie Dough. (I’m okay with either.)

If you’d love to see a pint of vegan Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in your supermarket’s freezer aisle too, you can sign the petition here.

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