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Outrage Meter

City Life

Outrage Meter for the Week Ending November 22nd

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City Life

The Philadelphia Outrage Meter for the Week Ending November 7th

Philadelphia Outrage Meter — November 7th, 2014 | Create Infographics We got some good news this week, with the news that Carlesha Freeland-Gaither had been found […]


The Philadelphia Outrage Meter for the Week Ending October 31st

Philadelphia Outrage Meter – October 31, 2014 | Create Infographics Philadelphia’s outrage shifted precipitously last night with the announcement that Little Pete’s could be demolished; […]

City Life

The Philadelphia Outrage Meter for the Week Ending October 24

Copy: Copy: Copy: | Create Infographics 70% of the week’s outrage was directly attributable to the bracelet bribery scandal, with 20% of the outrage directed […]

City Life

The Philadelphia Outrage Meter for the Week Ending October 17

50%: People mad about the boys-will-be-boys culture that allowed regular forwarding of porn emails among members of state government and even into the judiciary, setting […]

City Life

The Philadelphia Outrage Meter for the Week Ending Oct. 10, 2014

City Life

The Philadelphia Outrage Meter for the Week Ending October 3, 2014

Philly Outrage Meter 10/3 | Create Infographics 20%: The Harrisburg porny email scandal, the outrage for which was divided between outrage over the fact that […]

City Life

The Philadelphia Outrage Meter for the Week Ending September 26th

Create Infographics 78%: Kathryn Knott and her sense of entitlement.

City Life

The Philly Outrage Meter for the Week Ending September 19, 2014

Create Infographics 98%: The attack on two gay men in Center City, which actually occurred last week.