35 Things to Hash Out With Your Spouse Before You Get Married

Are you cool with your toothpaste tube looking like this? {Shutterstock}
You know how when you’re engaged, you’re constantly being told by other people—other people meaning anyone from an actual expert to your mom—the things you and your partner should discuss before tying the knot? Everything from kid stuff to money stuff to house stuff to sex stuff? (What can we say? Guilty.)
Well the thing is, those things are all well and good—they’re all things that you really, truly, seriously do need to figure out with your person before you embark on your happily ever after, lest it become a bumpy, argumentative, constantly-at-odds ever after—but those are bigger, more fundamental things. Of course you should figure out all that stuff before you get married.
But the things in this list—these are the itty-bitty everyday things that, when two people differ on, can lead to screaming fights—or at the very least, wanting to knock each other’s blocks off whenever you come upon them: Which way does the toilet paper roll go on? Does the toothpaste cap have to go back on? Can you go to bed with dishes still in the sink? Will you have a TV in the bedroom?
It’s not just all the heavy issues, kids. Because as anyone who has ever lived with anyone (not just a significant other!) knows, this stuff is real.
What else?
RELATED: Experts: It’s Super Duper Important to talk About Sex Before Marriage
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