
Cecily Tynan Doesn’t Care If You Don’t Like Her New Hairdo

Plus, major drama at Center City's Fadó Irish Pub.

There were lots of reactions to photos like this one showing 6ABC meteorologist Cecily Tynan's new hair look.

There were lots of reactions to photos like this one showing 6ABC meteorologist Cecily Tynan’s new hair look. (Photo via Instagram)

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Cecily Tynan Doesn’t Care If You Don’t Like Her New Hairdo

Yes, there is a lot happening right now much more important than Cecily Tynan and her hair. You can read about all of those things in many, many places. That’s what I’ve been doing non-stop for the last few days. And, well, I need a breather. So Cecily Tynan’s hair it is!

If you’ve been a longtime follower of 6ABC, you probably know that Tynan has typically sported hair on the shorter side, a bob if you will. But what a difference a day can make.

Tynan showed up on 6ABC this week, looking stunning as usual but with noticeably longer, layered hair extending beyond her shoulders. Knowing viewers weren’t exactly going to be oblivious to this dramatic change and knowing viewers tend to have their opinions, she took to social media and posted a couple of photos — including the one above — showing off the new look. She wrote: “If you don’t like it, don’t tell me. I needed a change!”

Of course, many fans did comment on how gorgeous the new look is. But some weren’t quite so supportive, ignoring her request that hair-haters remain mute. Tynan chose not to ignore the detractors of her new head-top aesthetic, instead responding to them telling them that she didn’t do it for them; she did it for herself. Most such comments on her own feeds have vanished, presumably because the commenters were rightly embarrassed with their unsolicited (and provably false) opinions. Some viewers also took it upon themselves to make their own posts on their own social media profiles about Tynan’s hair, saying some pretty ignorant things we won’t repeat here.

Dealing with idiotic comments on her appearance is something Tynan has been coping with for years. People have complained that her on-air attire was unprofessional. Someone once told her to “eat a hoagie,” because she was “too thin.” The avid runner also heard from a viewer telling her she looked “sickly” after she ran the Broad Street Run in 62 minutes.

If you’re a fan of Tynan’s extensions, give Chuck at Nirvana Hair Gallery in Delco a call. He’s been working his magic on Tynan’s hair for years.

Big Changes In Kensington

Mayor Parker campaigned on many things, one of those primary promises being to do something about Kensington, which her lame duck predecessor Jim Kenney essentially ignored. Today sees the debut of Kensington’s new “wellness court.” Police are going to arrest people they find doing drugs on the street (if you’ve spent any time in Kensington over the last few years, as I have, you’ve likely seen many people with needles in their arms, toes, necks, etc.) and then the system is supposedly going to help them. We’ll see. The Inquirer has a pretty comprehensive piece about the new initiative.

Major Drama Surrounding Fadó Irish Pub

I’ve never been a fan of Fadó Irish Pub in Center City. It’s always been just way too much of a frat boy kind of crowd. If I want a Guinness, I’ll go get an actually proper one at Fergie’s a few blocks away. Anyway, there’s some major drama surrounding the bar. It involves a bouncer, a Philly influencer, and, allegedly, a lot of other people who’ve had bad experiences at the bar. For more on this, I give you Philly influencer Bran Flakezz, who shares his side of the story here. Fadó has yet to respond to me about Bran Flakezz’s claims.

Two Words: Take Uber!

Police just charged this winner with a DUI and other offenses after an incident outside the Linc that sounds like it could have been much, much worse.

Reader Mail

Some people weren’t too happy with my straightforward piece yesterday about a Delco woman’s positive experience going to D.C. for the inauguration and attending one of the major balls. OK, make that a lot of people. Most of the critiques I got essentially boiled down to this one: “Don’t normalize supporting Trump.” Sorry, but if you’re expecting me to tar and feather every single one of the 77,284,118 people who voted for Trump, you’ve got the wrong guy. Maybe befriend Will Bunch.

By the Numbers

37,000: Place in queue that a 6ABC reporter found herself in on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. when tickets went on sale for this Sunday’s pivotal Eagles-Commanders game at the Linc. This should be obvious, but tickets sold out very quickly. The cheapest ones on the resale market are $550 each. That’s for standing room only. Mercifully, it looks like Sunday will be one of the warmest days of the week. Though that’s not saying much considering it’s going down to EIGHT DEGREES today.

20: Months that the excellent West South Street cocktail bar Sonny’s was shut down for after damage caused by an apartment fire. They have finally reopened — with a cocktail called… the C.L.I.T.

Hundreds: Number of cars that the Delco borough of Brookhaven improperly towed according to a new class-action lawsuit.

Local Talent

It sounds like Curtis grad Yuja Wang’s performance with the Philadelphia Orchestra the other night was nothing short of magnificent. But what’s with all these people leaving the concert early? Zero couth.