Endorsements in the Philly District Attorney Primary

Check out who's supporting whom – there are a few (maybe unexpected) names you'll recognize.

Clockwise from top left: Michael Untermeyer for District Attorney Campaign; Annmarie Young; Citizens for Rich Negrin Campaign; Josh Pelta-Heller/Koala Photography; Krasner: Nick Kelsh; Zakiyah Caldwell; Erskine Isaac/Invision Photo; Map: Istockphoto

The Pennsylvania primary is just about here. Endorsements can influence elections and reveal a lot about candidates, so we’ve compiled an ongoing list of who supports whom in the race for Philadelphia’s district attorney. It’s not necessarily exhaustive, but it does contain key players.

The list is broken down into four categories: officials, organizations, notable people, and wards. Some candidates have received backing in all four categories; some have not. For more information on ward support and why it matters, check out this map via Philadelphia Weekly reporter Max Marin.

There are seven Democrats and one Republican in the race. Click on the candidates’ names to browse their platforms.

Larry Krasner

Philadelphia City Councilwoman Helen Gym
Philadelphia City Councilwoman Maria Quiñones-Sánchez
Philadelphia City Councilwoman Cherelle Parker
State Senator Vincent Hughes
Former Councilwoman and 50th Ward Democratic Leader Marian Tasco
State Rep. Chris Rabb
Democratic 10th Ward Leader and State Rep. Isabella Fitzgerald
42nd Ward Democratic Leader Elaine Tomlin

Democracy for America
Our Revolution
Black Clergy of Philadelphia
Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters
AFSCME District Council 33
Global Women’s Strike Philadelphia
Philadelphia Gay News
Temple Association of University Professionals (TAUP) AFT L.4531 – AFL-CIO
Faculty and Staff Federation of Community College of Philadelphia (FSFCCP) AFT L.2026 – AFL-CIO
Philly SURJ (Standing up for Racial Justice)
UNITE HERE Locals 274 and 634
Neighborhood Networks
Right to Redemption, Lifers Inc.
Real Justice PAC
Erotic Service Providers Union
The Political Revolution PAC
Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals (PASNAP)
Color of Change PAC
215 People’s Alliance
Food & Water Action Fund
Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club
Penn Democrats
AFSCME District 1199C National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees – AFL-CIO
The B.L.O.C. Party – Build, Lead, Organize, Campaign
Philly for Change
Pennsylvania Working Families
Center for Carceral Communities
Reclaim Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Federation Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division (BMWED) – IBT

John Legend
Black Lives Matter activist Asa Khalif
Activist Shaun King
Rev. Isaac Miller, former Church of the Advocate pastor
Rev. Robin Hynicka of Arch Street United Methodist Church
Activist Shaun King
Actress Susan Sarandon

6, 8, 10, 12, 27, 34, 42, 44, 50

Rich Negrin

Philadelphia Councilman Kenyatta Johnson
Former state official Katie McGinty
Vice Chair of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee Black Caucus Lisa Rhodes
State Rep. Donna Bullock
State Rep. Emilio Vazquez
Former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging Nora Dowd Eisenhower
Rev. Bonnie Camarda
President of the Guardian Civic League Rochelle Bilal
Vice president of the National Coalition of Latino Officers Eddie Lopez
Executive Director of Diversified Community Services Otis L. Bullock, Jr. Esq.
Executive Director of Unity in the Community Anton Moore

Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 5
National Black Police Officers Association
Pennsylvania Democratic Latino Caucus
Philadelphia Daily News
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Public Record
Guardian Civic League
Sheet Metal Workers, Local 19
African-Caribbean African-Latino PAC
Philly Set Go

7, 14, 15, 19, 29, 36, 38, 43, 52, 60

Jack O’Neill

Congressman Brendan Boyle
State Rep. Kevin Boyle
State Rep. Michael Driscoll
State Rep. Ed Neilson
City Controller and 54th Ward Leader Alan Butkovitz
City Councilman and 65th Ward Leader Bobby Henon
64th Ward Leader Lorraine Bednarek
City Commissioner Lisa Deeley
66A Ward Leader Shawn Dillon
63rd Ward Leader Brian Eddis
62nd Ward Leader Margaret Tartaglione

Building a Better Pennsylvania
21st Ward Athletic Association
Sprinkler Fitters Local 692
Plumbers Local 690
Reinforced Iron Workers Riggers and Machinery Movers Local 405
I.A.T.S.E. Local 8
IAFF Local 22
Elevator Constructors Local 5
Insulators and Allied Workers Local 14
Ironworkers Local 401
Communication Workers of America
Roofers Local 30

1, 23, 39, 40, 54, 55, 57, 62, 63, 64, 65

Joe Khan

Former Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz
5th Ward Leader Mike Boyle
State Rep. Mike O’Brien
41st Ward Leader Connie Dougherty
45th Ward Leader Harry Engasser

Philadelphia Chapter of the National Organization for Women
Philadelphia Tribune

Former Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell
Gold Star Father and 2016 DNC Speaker Khizr Khan
Former Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz

5, 9, 21, 30, 31, 33, 41, 45

Teresa Carr Deni

Operating Engineers Local 542

National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees District 1199C President Henry Nicholas
Business manager of International Union of Operating Engineers Local 542 Robert Heenan

Tariq El Shabazz

Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell
Councilman Curtis Jones
Councilwoman Cindy Bass

Business manager of Laborers’ Local 332 Sam Staten
President of Transport Workers Union Local 234 Willie Brown
Business manager of the Laborers’ District Council Ryan Boyer

4, 22, 32, 46, 47, 49, 61

Michael Untermeyer

Leader of the 56th Ward John Sabatina

Philadelphia Council of Clergy

Bishop Anthony Floyd

3, 16, 24, 25, 35, 48, 51, 56, 58

Beth Grossman (unopposed)

Philly Set Go