Poll: Buncha Gulldarned Hippies Have Taken Over PA

Quinnipac finds support for medical marijuana, same-sex marriage

The newest Quinnipac Poll is out, and there’s good news for all you socialist America haters—a majority of Pennsylvanians supports both medical marijuana and same-sex marriage. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports:

The Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters across the state shows that voters support medical use of marijuana by 85-14 percent. Voters over 65 years old support medical marijuana by 84-14 percent, the poll said.

The poll also shows that state voters support by 57-37 percent a law allowing same-sex couples to marry. Democrats support same-sex marriage by 74 – 22 percent; independent voters support it by 58-35 percent among and Republicans oppose it by 59-36 percent.

There’s still some division, though, over the question of legalizing marijuana for personal use. The state is clearly becoming a hedonistic paradise, but we’re still choosey about just how hedonistic.