Wall Street Abandons Chris Christie for 2016
The New York Post reports that Wall Streeters who formed a core of support for Chris Christie’s expected presidential run in 2016 are quietly abandoning the New Jersey governor in the wake of the Bridgegate Scandal. Charles Gasparino writes:
The Wall Streeters I speak to (people with direct access to Christie and his inner circle) say the Christie presidential campaign is clearly on life support: They think he’s in the clear himself, but the stench from the scandal is starting to look impossible to overcome.
They cite the cool reception Christie has been getting recently from Republican establishment types outside of his home turf in the Northeast, and the fact that many fund-raisers are now looking to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as the party’s savior.
Christie is “meeting with the RNC establishment, and he’s still trying to decide, but they want him out,” one major Republican fund-raiser who runs an investment business told me recently. “I don’t think he can run and be effective. Republicans are held to a different standard by the media. This thing is a killer.”