Hey, Somebody Put August in Our May! Temperature Creeps Into ’90s Today

We’ve reached CODE ORANGE, people. As Philly experiences its first summer heat–temperatures in the ’90s, humidity at 40%–air quality today is terrifyingly bad. According to the state Department of Environmental Protection, Philadelphia is in the midst of a “CODE ORANGE” pollution alert. That means “young children, the elderly and those with respiratory problems, such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis,” should not go outside. Instead they should stay in cars and air-conditioned homes and perpetuate the cycle of excessive energy consumption that has led to CODE ORANGE in the first place.

Here’s a map of the areas that have been CODE ORANGE’d today.

In case you’re curious, orange is worse than green and yellow, but better than, red, purple, and burgundy.

In other words, hide inside all you want, but there’s no need for SARS-style masks either.