Angry Caroling Now A Trend in Philly

It’s seems Philly’s got a new, well, spirited Christmastime tradition. Just last week, citizens concerned about entitlement cuts delivered a rollicking rendition of “Deck the Halls” that included memorable lyrics like “Treat the cap gains more like wages, Fa la la la la la la la la!” Now a group of city workers upset over stalled contract negotiations launched into “The Twelve Days of Nutter.” Here are the lines I’ve already sent to my family to memorize, in anticipation of door-to-door caroling next week:

On the 12th day of Christmas, Mayor Nutter said to me,
Thanks for paying for China,
I’m really Republican,
No feeding the homeless,
I killed paid sick days,
Lower corporate taxes,
I’m cutting services,
Contract out our work,
I don’t like working people,
Shut libraries,

No money,
Rolling closures,
And the rich keep their tax abatements!”

So engrossed were the carolers in song, that they missed Nutter get out of a car, look their way, then duck into City Hall. [CBS 3]