Connie Mack’s Great-Grandson Brings Brawling Philadelphia Sensibility to Florida Politics
Yes, it’s been more a few generations since the Philadelphia Athletics ruled this town’s sporting scene, a few generations since legendary manager Connie Mack made his name as the club’s owner and manager. But that name still carries a wallop: His great-grandson, Connie Mack IV, is running for Senate in Florida, against incumbent Democrat Ben Nelson. Mack the Fourth is possibly best-known for challenging baseball player Ron Gant to a fight back in the 1990s, and losing rather badly—that and other indiscretions has him labeled the “Charlie Sheen of Florida politics.” But Florida likes its characters, and Mack could win the seat. If not, there’s always more Macks: His son, Connie Mack V, is known as “Cinco de Macko.” [The New York Times]