49ers: It Gets Better

They become the first NFL team to stand up for LGBT rights and against bullying

The San Francisco 49ers have become the first NFL team to stand up for LGBT rights. Team members recently launched a video for the It Gets Better Project. The 49ers’ video comes after a successful petition drive, led by one fan – Sean Chapin – who rallied more than 16,000 people to sign his petition encouraging the players to speak up.

“With their It Gets Better video, the 49ers are shining a golden beacon of hope to LGBT youth, and as a gay man, I enthusiastically applaud their courage and leadership,” says Chapin. “This is a proud day for San Francisco, as two of our professional teams have taken a bold stand against bullying. Let’s hope this is only the beginning, and that more NFL and professional sports teams around the country take this opportunity to speak up on behalf of LGBT fans and kids.”

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