Who Gets Coal for Christmas?

Santa won't have presents for these Philadelphians

From Lower Merion product Kobe Bryant’s alleged infidelities (fail) to the Eagles all but promising us a Super Bowl (let’s be honest: epic fail), Santa better stock up on coal. It’s been quite a year for Philly Scrooges. So we asked four Philly notables who they think made Santa’s Naughty List. Read on to see who they think deserve coal in their stockings—and who Arthur Kade thinks needs an attitude check. For the record, we never really considered Kobe one of us anyway. Forget anyone? Tell us in the comments.

Kathy Romano, co-host, Preston and Steve radio show: “Occupy Philadelphia! They made our city smell not so pleasant! Also, my colleague Nick McIlwain because he still hasn’t learned to chew with his mouth closed. I sit next to him in the studio and have to listen to his loud chewing everyday. He should get coal in his stocking and I should get ear plugs.”

Kierra Bussey, opinion editor, Temple University’s student newspaper: “Arlene Ackerman deserves coal. She failed the children of the school district of Philadelphia … That I can’t respect.”

Arthur Kade: “DeSean Jackson wins this year’s ‘Terrell Owens Award’ for player most likely to do sit-ups on his lawn over a contract dispute.”

Kyle Scott, editor, CrossingBroad.com: “As if defending the most hated man in America [Jerry Sandusky] isn’t enough of an uphill climb for an attorney, Joe Amendola has made a mockery of the legal process. Amendola has simultaneously provided comic relief and offended many. Worst of all, it’s rather clear from his actions that he’s enjoying the spotlight.”