We Should All Move to New Hope
Court: Hitler Must Remain in Foster Care. That’s Adolph Hitler Campbell, the New Jersey boy who — along with siblings JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler — was taken from his mentally disabled parents last year after publicity stemming from a store’s refusal to put his name on a birthday cake. [CBS 3]
Bell Atlantic Tower Sold for $129 Million. Buyer Brandywine Realty Trust intends $40 million in improvements for the building at 1717 Arch, which is currently 63 percent occupied. [Inquirer]
PLCB Sued Over Garces Partnership. A dozen restaurateurs accuse the agency of allowing Garces Trading Company to serve wine bought from its boutique on the premises without a liquor license. [CBS 3]
Phils Sweep the Marlins With a 5-4 Win. Carlos Ruiz homered in the 10th to clinch it. [Daily News]
Signs of Economic Recovery in New Hope. New town-wide events and 30 new and expanded businesses are bringing tons of tourists to the festive burg. [Philadelphia Business Journal]
Camden May Close Libraries. A $28 million city budget hole could result in the permanent disbanding of the three-branch system. [Inquirer]
Capitalism at Its Finest — Assuming You Need to Get to Boston. Just weeks after Southwest began flying daily nonstops to Boston, U.S. Airways is offering low prices, crazy perks, and a high-speed security line to keep customers. [Inquirer]