More On Earth Bread + Brewery

Tom Baker formerly of Heavyweight Brewing and soon of Earth Bread + Brewery penned a reply regarding what he’s setting out to create in Mt. Airy.
Text of the letter after the jump.

We have found a great space in a wonderful neighborhood in a town that’s rich in culture and social wealth. I greatly respect McMenamin’s and I hope that PJ looks at our project as an asset to him and an addition to the good beer/food they offer. McMenamin’s is a quintessential neighborhood pub and that will not change when we open. Aside from good beer, Earth Bread + Brewery will do it’s best to compliment not compete with neighborhood businesses. For example, we won’t have any TVs – so I’ll probably be at the bar in McMenamin’s to watch the Series.

We will offer four primary things at Earth: great flatbreads, intriguing wines, the best beers you never had, and a comfortable space to enjoy the company of others. BTW, for those of you that don’t know, our company name represents our focus on creating and running a sustainable, green-built restaurant.

I hope to get our website up soon so you can follow our progress and learn more about our plans and passions. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts. BTW, in case you haven’t heard, Heavyweight is dead – just call us the Earth folks.

Tom Baker

Whatever became of those Heavyweight folks? [Beer Advocate]