Yippee! We Have Another Free Pop-Up Workout Coming Up
It’s that time again, friends: Time for another Be Well Philly Underground event!
If you aren’t familiar with Underground (Where have you been?), every month, we host free secret pop-up fitness events around Philly. To give you a taste of what to expect, our most recent Underground events include everything from a Lithe Method class (with happy hour!) to a candlelight yoga class at the new Lululemon store to a rum run to La Colombe. (You can see photos from all of our past Underground events here.)
Before you curse yourself for missing those, note that we have plenty more fun planned for the future. And to get it on the action, all you have to do is sign up for Be Well Philly Underground. (It’s totally free, by the way.) Our next event is coming up verrry soon, and we can’t tell you a whole lot, but I will give you a hint: You’ll need a pair of running shoes and a sweet tooth, maybe with a preference for hot and fresh donuts. Okay, enough — I’ve already said too much.
Our Underground members will be getting an email with all the info for the next event in their inboxes very soon, so if you haven’t signed up, just do it already.
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